Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nerves Setting In

I am getting that unsettled feeling I always get before vacation. Can I get everything done I need to do before I leave? Am I crazy doing this at all? What about my real estate business while I'm gone? How do I compensate the person filling in for me?

My main concern right now is finding the cheapest way to pay for the flat. I really think I got overcharged when I sent the deposit. But then again, who knows? Maybe that's just how much it costs to send money. Of course, I googled "the cheapest way to send money to England" and got the names of a couple of companies. But I'm a bit fearful of putting my faith (and a good deal of cash) in a company I only know about through the internet. I saw on TV the other day. I night try them.

I bought a book on meditation the other day--to try to calm my nerves. But it has been hard to sit still to read it. Not a good sign.

Here's the worst part. All I can think of is that when I get to London, I'm going to sleep for 24 hours. I have to ask myself, "is that the best use of your time in London?" and "If all you want to do is sleep, go to your own bedroom, not a London flat." But I think this impulse to go into a coma is just my way of coping with stress and will dissipate once I'm on the plane. Let's hope so, not the least for the sake of the people who are coming to visit.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What to bring

I am trying to do a little bit every day to prepare for my trip to London. Today I went to Kohl's looking for some pants--and came away disgusted with how fat I am. But I can't let that get me down. I am going to be packing light. One suitcase and one carry-on. There is a washing machine in the flat, and I can just mix and match (bringing lots of scarves to make things look different).

I have joined an over 40 meet-up group in London; hope I have the gumption to actually go. I figure if I have any visitors when there are meetings, we can get courage from each other to go.

I told the owner of the publication I write for that I will be quiting on March 3, two days before I leave. I have decided to just go for it and worry about the consequences later. I hope I don't spend much time while I'm there worrying about funds. I don't think I will.

So I laid out the clothes I think I will bring with me--lots of sweaters (or jumpers, as they say in the UK) to make me look like I belong there. (Of course, that's just a guess. It could be everyone's wearing sweat shirts and pants. I just don't know.) I'm not bringing too much, just enough to get by. I can always get more things in London, if I need them.

I have a string of visitors planning to come. My nephew Will, friend Ellen, sister-in-law Ceci, fiends Lynne and Mary. And I have quite a few days on my own. Sounds like a perfect combo to me.